I have a case of insominia tonight, so while I am awaiting the effects of the glass of milk to kick in thought I would write this post. Does anyone beside Ricardo and I watch The Sopranos? The 2nd to last episode was on Sunday night. One more episode and the best television show that has ever been on will be over and I will shut my HBO off again.....probably forever.
My parents were by yesterday and we were marvelling over the fact that lately some of the central characters have been getting killed off and because they are such unlikable people, you feel nothing when they die. Much to my consternation, I found myself gloating when Christopher died because I couldn't stand him. I even defended Tony for doing it by saying that it was something that needed to be done, that Chrisopher was too unstable....too much of a rogue element. I guess the show has brought out my sociopathic side.
My husband thinks that the writers of the series do not stay true to their characters, that they twist their personalities around according to the needs of the story. He feels that the characters lose their integrity in this way. I disagreed with him verbally, as I tend to be slavishly devoted to the show, but on the inside I have to agree that they have been doing this somewhat more here in the end. The scene that we were discussing in regards to this is the scene in which Tony's therapist fires him.
My husband and I both thought that Dr. Melfi's actions in this scene were not congruent with her character. I also said that the scene was unnecessary, that with where the plot is heading his therapist and his relationship with her is very insignificant.
However, as I was laying in bed a little earlier, before my hunger pains drove me up and I was in that half-dozing frame of mind where the insights just seem to come to you; I saw that perhaps the scene will actually be a good scene that fits in with the overall picture after all once all is known. Dr. Melfi has 'woken up' and realized that Tony is a sociopath and that her therapy does nothing to change that.
I think Paulie is involved in this in some way. Remember the episode where Tony almost kills Paulie on the boat. Earlier in that episode, Paulie was packing a suitcase and they made a big deal of showing all of his white shoes going into the suitcase. At the end of the episode, a member of the rival gang is killed in a restaurant. They pan over the feet running away from the crime scene and you see a distinct pair of white shoes go by. Obviously then, Paulie is not with the rivals or he wouldn't be killing them, but something is up with Paulie.
Well, what do you think?
I shot you an email on this. There is much to discuss......
I haven't watched the show. But I trust Ricardo's judgement. He has me watching reruns of 6 feet under.
I finally answered the e-mail. Anyone who has the stomach for it should watch this show. I don't like television and I love this show. It's not just about violence. It is a very funny show too. And it is plausible. I don't like shows that present themselves as plausible and aren't.
There's good TV out there if you know where to look. You just have to avoid the dumb ones like American Idol and such. HBO has some excellent shows.
Well, part of the issue is that I work an evening shift. I'm sure that if I were home in the evening that I would have some shows. I have heard that HBO has good shows, I've just never gotten around to watching them. There is a cop show that is supposed to be really good....can't remember what it is called. My parents loved 6 feet under but I never saw it. Maybe I will rent the DVD's someday and check it out.
What a day to remember. Hoped by and read the sopranos angst report. Nice. Everybody is waitng down at the BadaBing
I just couldn't get into the Sopranos. But you and Ricardo have my respect. After I am done watching all of 6 feet under, I shall try again.
I never really got into the show, although I've read far more about it than I have watched. Perhaps its best to view it as moment-form. In that case, the storyline is probably going to win out over character consistency.
I don't know how much of Dr. Melfi one sees, in the series. If it's only in the context of her sessions with Tony Soprano, then we would really have very little knowledge of what she's thinking.
Enemy=Sopranos is a hard show to watch. It can get pretty sick. I wonder what it says about my character that I think it is funny.
X-Actually, there is plently of insight into Melfi's character. It even shows her going to her therapist sometimes, talking about how she feels about being Tony's therapist. And her therapist has always been convinced that she is willing to be his therapist because she is fascinated by him because he is a killer. The doctor has always been prickly about his take on her motives and they've had heated discussions about it before. In this episode, he finally showed her a study about he effectiveness of therapy with sociopaths.
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