Something very creepy happened to me the other day. I was cleaning off a high shelf and I found a plastic bag. I opened it up and found Otis Spunkmeyer Blueberry Muffins in it. The package was open, it was a package of three and there were still 2 left. I think my husband stashed it up there. He takes snacks to work and probably put it up there so we wouldn't find it and eat it.
I checked the date on the receipt to see how new they were so I would know whether or not to throw them away. The receipt said they were bought in March. Suddenly it occurred to me that if the muffins were purchased in March, it shouldn't have even occurred to me to check them. They should have been green and moldy and dried up, right?
So, I looked more closely at them and they had no mold on them and they were just a little dried out on the top. It's a good thing I checked the receipt before I examined them, because if I would have looked at them first, I might have thought they were good enough to eat. Then, I decided to taste them....just kidding.
I asked my husband about them, thinking that maybe he had just opened them, but he didn't even remember buying them so I'm sure they were opened in March. So, Otis Spunkmeyer Muffins apparently have so many preservatives in them that you could used them to embalm a corpse. Time to learn to bake, huh?
The good thing about that discovery is that when the nuclear holocaust occurs, we survivors can live in our fallout shelters eating those tasty treats for the rest of our doomed lives.
Lol, Enemy.
BBE, sounds like baking might be the thing to do, but rather finding a hiding place that your husband can remember. He probably put those up there, and forgot where he hid them. Maybe he just forgot that he had them. But the thought of him stashing stuff away makes me smile a little.
Yes, they will call it manna from heaven. Do you expect there to be a nuclear explosion soon?
Well, that's up to him to find a hiding place he can remember. If I help him it won't be a hiding place. It is sort of funny that he tried to hide food from us.
is it like only me who didnt get the point of the post??? okay, well, iguess its unfamiliarity with er.. blueberry muffins!
Well, Ab...as I said in my last post, if I am going to continue this blog it may not be very profound a lot of the time. And the point of this post is that it is very unusual for food to be soft and not moldy after it has been sitting in a hot house for 3 months. As a matter-of-fact, so unusual that it shouldn't really be possible. This appears to me that there must be a loooottt of preservatives in it. I wonder if we fully realize how much of our food is unundated (sp?) with chemicals. I wonder if we even want to know.:)
Bake, and a lot more things besides.
if you find stuff like that don't forget to share it with your daughter...
...and don't neglect her either.
Ha, I recognise that comment.
Hello anon, I'd just like to say for the book: I think your friend Hillary lost the election.
omg... ya really... but do i care? anyway, i dont think any of the stuff we eat a lot of are typically the best for our health... and here in India, i buy and eat stuff from the roadside, and fish fried at the beach-who knows, in the same oil they used for yesterday's fish- (and i guess you know wat people say about th cleanliness of this place) but i havent taken ill because of that..
You know what? My father's parents, and my step-dad's mother all lived to be in their nineties and they did not eat what is recommended as a good diet. Lots of starches, not many fresh vegetables and fruits etc...Sometimes I suspect, like you, that we don't really have to be as cautious about what we eat as they would have us believe.
Hello anonymous. It's impossible for me to neglect my daughter. She wouldn't let me even if I tried.
MM-Obama for 2008!!
Hi hon, nice to hear from you. Twinkies are like that also. I don't pay any attention to it all and just eat what I like.
All those preservatives might be preserving me. LOL
I heard a guy on CBC talking about how, as an experiment, he left a Twinkie (TM) in his office for a year. No mould, no change in appearance whatsoever. Yikes.
It's good that you checked the date. I would hate to have been the one to eat it
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